Heat stress is a significant risk to cows. Rising temperatures can cause problems such as reduced feed intake and reproductive stress. Ditusz AGRO’s dry cooling systems manage heat stress by reducing temperatures in both indoor and outdoor dairy environments. Durable and efficient, these evaporative cooling systems enable efficient cooling of cows in dairy farms by controlling environmental parameters.
Dairy cows are highly sensitive to heat stress and extremely sensitive to their environment. Keeping cattle healthy during warmer periods can become a major challenge. As soon as a cow’s core temperature starts to rise too high or too suddenly, the negative physiological effects can quickly manifest themselves. This can cause problems with meat gain, reproduction, milk quality and quantity, and a myriad of other health issues.
There are many methods of cooling cows. However, choosing technologies or strategies that are effective yet can efficiently cool large areas, can be challenging. High-pressure misting/evaporative cooling has been proven to be one of the most effective and efficient processes for creating a climate-controlled environment, especially for sensitive animals such as cattle.
Temperature control
Proper air exchange
Insect control
High-pressure mist cooling systems via misting fans spray water to the environment through special nozzles. These microscopic water particles evaporate, achieving significant temperature drop of up to 6-10 degrees Celsius.
Not every animal facility or situation is the same, so each project requires a unique design to ensure the best cooling environment. We work with you to design the most efficient evaporative mist cooling system to meet your needs.
+ Lower core temperature
+ Higher milk yield,
+ Improved appetite, higher meat yield
+ Cleaner air, less infestation and pathogens
+ Fewer insects, calmer herd
+ Fewer deaths due to heat stress

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Case study:
Paksi Dunamenti Zrt.: Domokos Tamás, member of the board, Animal Husbandry
“During the use of the system, we have observed a significant decrease in temperature in the milking house, providing a pleasant environment for both workers and animals even in the hottest weather. There is much less loss of milk and fewer casualties due to heat. It is very important that the misting does not wet or soak either the people or the animals. Another favorable side effect is the disappearance of flies and midges from the milking house, which makes work easier because the cows are calmer during milking.”