Notification protocols, individual reports
An extremely resource-saving method is that, although you can do this with our active monitoring solution, the operation does not necessarily have to be constantly monitoring the operation of the humidification and mist-cooling system in person. In addition to continuous data backup and graphical display, as our systems operate in a fully automated manner based on pre-set parameters, it is possible to send email alerts when set parameters are out of limits or other specified events occur.
You do not necessarily need to be on site to receive notifications and to take any necessary action, you can send notifications to any type and number of client devices. This provides a high degree of mobility for the operator, allowing optimal allocation of resources.
Push email notification
Personalized notifications
Custom performance reports
Notification frequency and content
Not every instance of measured value outside the specification limits necessarily means a failure or requires immediate intervention. It is possible to set escalation levels to avoid unnecessary or false alarms, which can also be a huge advantage in resource management.
Example of a multi-level notification protocol:
For example, an alert email with a “after 10 minutes” profile sends the first alert to the affected persons in case of a persistent exceedance of a limit in a given zone. Based on this, the operator(s) in charge of the operation are already informed about the incident, its nature and can decide whether to intervene immediately or wait.
Every 5 minutes, the system will review each zone again. If the monitored parameter persistently exceeds the set thresholds, a new alert is sent to all those assigned to that alert. This can be repeated at arbitrary intervals and individual escalation levels can be set.
If the threshold is no longer exceeded or the zones return to normal, no further incident email is sent, only a notification of normalization. Such an event could be, for example, the goods receiving door of the factory hall being opened for a short time because a delivery is arriving. Then, of course, the temperature and humidity conditions in the vicinity of the affected location may suddenly change, causing it to be temporarily out of bounds. This obviously does not constitute a malfunction and once the cause has ceased, i.e. the door is closed, the environmental parameters will normalize themselves.
The email will list the zones in alarm status, which parameters and to what extent they deviate from the specified parameters, and which escalation time was used as the basis for the posting.

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